The Nipple Song

July 1, 2008 at 4:45 am | Posted in bollywood, houston, water wall | Leave a comment

I happen to like the Bollywood stuff. It’s pretty intriguing and engaging. Take that and couple it with some inaccurate translation and you get an entertaining video. From the Houstonist:

While the lead singer looks too close to the edge of The Esperson Building’s cupola for our heights phobia to be completely under control, we do enjoy the “translator’s” confusion at the visual trick the Water Wall plays on you when you stand close enough to its interior walls. That’s an edge we can get close to.

For those of you still wondering, the video is a musical interlude from a popular Bollywood movie called Sirf Tum (“Only You” in Urdu), released in 1999 and shot on location in Houston. It starred the so-pretty-it-should-be-illegal Sushmita Sen, who was the first Indian woman to win Miss Universe. All in all, a fun reminder of Houston’s enormous and vibrant Indian and south Asian culture. We even have our own Bollywood cinema, after all.

And it’s worth mentioning that if you think the words in the video are meant as an accurate translation, you probably shouldn’t leave the house without a helmet on.

It’s all just good innocent fun and not meant to be offensive.

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